In order to improve communication about our financial picture throughout the year, with the permission of the Salem Council and Stewardship Committee a seperate Stewardship Task Force has been formed. The role of this task force is to help develop and provide clear communication and to educate to the congregation in regards to stewardship in 2020 and beyond. Since studies show that stewardship communication and education varies by generation, we hope to expand involvement to include a broader range of generational representation at Salem. We are using the Cultivating Generous Congregations materials provided through the SWMN Synod, which provides excellent guidance in this endeavor.
The Stewardship Task Force includes:
Paul Anderson, Merideth and Jay Brown, Ron DeJong, Jackie Lindvall, Pr. Matt Philaya
At our first meeting a week ago we decided that it was important to send out mid-year statements, which are available to those who have given so far in 2020 and will be in the mail this coming week. We also decided that a mid-year financial report was in order for the first Salem eNews in July.
We would like to thank Jackie Lindvall for supplying this helpful data that can be found at the PDF link below.