Salem Lutheran Church
A Christian Congregation of the ELCA


Following Jesus Christ together through worship, fellowship, faith enrichment, and service. 

We believe that God sent God's son, Jesus Christ, into the world to become our Lord and Savior, who suffered and died on the cross for our sins and rose again. We believe that baptism is about God's choice - not our own - to save us from sin, death, and the devil. We believe that in the Lord's Supper Jesus is present with us in the bread and wine and through this sacrament we receive forgiveness of sins as the Holy Spirit unites with the body of Christ.

We believe that faith is trusting that God meets us wherever we are in life and seeks to be in a grace-filled relationship despite who we are. That relationship is made possible because Jesus suffered and died for us and nothing can take that relationship away.  

We believe that following Jesus means a daily calling to live out his example of love for one another. This happens through the shared experiences of worship, fellowship, faith enrichment, and service. Through this we witness the faith to each other and the world.