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Wednesday Schedule in Lenten Season (March 12th—April 9th)

Held at United Methodist Church (between Luther Haven and Brookside)

5:30-6:15pmish Suppers Served by United Methodist or Salem Lutheran (Social Hall)

     March 12th Goulash (UMC Work Group #1)

     March 19th Soup & Sandwiches (Salem Lutheran)

     March 26th Turkey Hotdish (UMC Work Group #2)

     April 2nd Soup & Sandwiches (Salem Lutheran)

     April 9th T.B.D. (UMC Work Group #3

6:15-7:30pm Children’s Ministry/Youth Group & Confirmation 7-8th Grades/9th Grade Confirmation Groups

6:15-6:30pm Kitchen/Social Hall Clean-Up

6:30pm Worship Services (UMC Worship Center) (around 45-50 minutes)

     “Returning to the Heart of God: A Journey of Grace and Transformation” Theme Each week will focus on a little different style of worship and participants/leaders…

     March 12th “Holden Evening Service” (Lutheran Expression)

     March 19th T.B.D. (Reflective/Experiential?)

     March 26th Confirmation & Mentors lead

     April 2nd T.B.D. (Gospel-Style?)

     April 9th Children’s Ministry lead (puppets/song, etc.)

Senior High Youth (Non-Confirmation Students) are welcome at the Worship Services and/or check with Roxanne (Children’s Ministry Advocate) on how they can help Children’s Ministry. Parents of children/youth/confirmands are certainly encouraged to also do those things to help GROW YOUR FAITH LIVES, along with your child/youth!

Offerings (not marked specifically for each church funds) will go towards our local Food Shelf (if left at/during the Wednesday Night Suppers) and/or Lutheran World Relief and UMCOR (if given during worship services and/or general lent gifts). Offerings will be split, as evenly as is possible among our two churches, and given to the recipients!