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The Lent Season is a wonderful, reflective time for the church.  We are going to lean into that spirit by our time together on Wednesdays in Lent. 

Ash Wednesday (Feb. 14th) 

11am (UMC) & 6pm (Salem) Worship Services


Feb. 21-March 20th SCHEDULE (All at Salem Lutheran)

5:30-6:30pm  Lenten Suppers Served (all are invited!)

(A mixture of Soups and Sandwiches/Hotdishes, desserts and drinks served)

(Salem will serve Suppers on Feb. 21, March 6th, and March 20th—UMC the other 2 dates!)

6:30-7:30pm Education Groups for all Ages

Children’s Group (guided by Roxanne Estrada & Children’s Ministry Team)

Confirmation-Aged Youth Group (6-9th grades)

(guided by Confirmation teachers—Esther & Carman Mills)

Adults & Post-Confirmation-Aged/Senior High Youth Group (guided by Pastor Sam)

In different ways, all groups will be studying “The Walk” which will guide us around 5 principles/practices Jesus taught us to follow…Worship/Prayer/Serving/Giving/Sharing

(optional book, not required but good supplemental material, is available to study for $10 ea.)